Our Board & Committees

Our Committees

Interpretive Services

Scott Kent, Deb LeDoux, Ann Hermes

This committee is exploring various ways to make interpretive services more accessible to the lakes area. The goal is to support those who are struggling to access services due to not speaking english, as well as to support area organizations and businesses who wish to provide better service to non-english speaking clients and customers.


Scott Keehn, Kelli Minnerath, Ann Hermes, Michele Boston (as consultant)

“Voices” is a video show owned and operated by the Inclusion Network. It has been sustained primarily through Josette and Scott’s efforts and hard work. The IN board has recommitted to the show by establishing a committee to redevelop “Voices,” in the hope of substantially increasing its audience engagement to a level that justifies committing monetary and other resources towards the planning and execution of the show.


Scott Keehn (chair), Scott Kent

The training and consulting team operates as an entity under the Inclusion Network umbrella and will act as a speaker’s bureau by providing customized training and consulting services for diversity, equity and inclusion training. In addition, the training and consulting team will provide, free of charge, guest speakers who will share a one hour or less, “Taste of diversity” for those who request it.

"Everyone is welcome here"

Michele Boston (chair), Deb LeDoux, Kelli Minnerath

“Everyone is Welcome Here” is an ongoing IN campaign originating at the end of 2021 with two primary purposes; the campaign is intended to engage local businesses, organizations, and Chamber of Commerce to display signage recognizing and welcoming all individuals despite their differences. The primary goals of the campaign is to make Alexandria a more welcoming community as it pertains to diversity and difference and to “advertise” IN’s potentially transformative role in that.

Marketing/Social Media

Kelli Minnerath, Beth Leipholtz (chair), Jen Guenther, Michele Boston (consultant)

The Marketing and Social Media committee is responsible for promoting IN’s mission, values and messages by marketing its programs, events and initiatives throughout the community. The committee is charged will utilize a variety of marketing tools including local media outlets, its website, newsletter and promotional/informational materials.


Nancy Doebbert

The finance committee is responsible for maintaining the bank accounts of Inclusion Network, depositing all funds in a timely manner and paying all obligations of the organization as approved by the board.  Additionally, the committee is responsible for preparing financial reports for the board, developing budgets for board approval and filing any required government tax documents for tax exempt and/or payroll filing.

Board of Directors

Kelli Minnerath(chair), all

The Inclusion Network Board of Directors serves as the governing body for the Inclusion Network and is responsible for setting the strategic direction for the group. The Board of Directors’ expertise and skills are paramount to the structure and effectiveness of the Inclusion Network.  It offers organizational structure and clarity to team members.

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